last post

Even though it’s sad that the school year is ending, I’m so excited for summer. Some of my favorites parts of 6th grade were the MS Lock In and the Class Trip to Lakeview Camp. These experiences were so fun and I made amazing memories during them. I’m so excited to have more fun with my friends over the summer and next year.



By May 20, 2022.  4 Comments on last post  Uncategorized   

FIAT week 5 & 6 questions

1. Ally became more brave by the end of the novel. She was brave enough to start making friends. She also became more brave about her writing.

2. My goal for the future is to a be a dance studio director. This is my dream job and what I what to do when I’m older.

3. I give FIAT a 4/5 stars. It’s not my favorite kind of book because I like more mystery kinds of books. However it is pretty good and I can really relate because it’s about a young girl going through changes and struggles in school and life.


Week 3 & 4 FIAT Questions

1. The impossible becomes possible as Ally is feeling more brave and gaining confidence and friends.

2. Albert is being bullied for what he is wearing. Ally makes him feel better by being nice to him and talking to him.

3. If you are being bullied, stand up for yourself or tell someone who can help.

FIAT Questions week 2

1. A new friendship in Fish in a Tree is Keisha and Ally. They came together to be friends because Ally was impressed by Keisha’s baking and Keisha was impressed by Ally’s drawing.

2. An unexpected friendship in my life is me and my friend Ryleigh. It’s unexpected because she is in 8th grade and I’m in 6th.

3. Who is your best friend and how long have you been friends.

By April 18, 2022.  1 Comment on FIAT Questions week 2  FIAT   

Fish in a Tree questions

  1. What are your first impressions of your novel?   How do you feel as you are getting started? How do you connect with the start of the   story?

My first impression of FIAT is that it is pretty good and its very relatable because the main character is in 6th grade. I feel like the book started off a little slow but its getting more interesting. I can connect to the starts of the story because in middle school we got all new teacher and that is what Ally is dealing with.

   2. What characters have you met so far?    How would you describe each or their relationship with each other?

I have met Ally, the main character, her classmates, and her family.  Ally’s classmates don’t really like her and they think she is kind of dumb. Ally’s mom thinks she is very smart and talented. her brother is trying to start a business, her dad is deployed and she really misses her grandpa who has passed.

3. Write a question that you want to ask the friends in your book club. They will reply     (comment) to your Edublogs post.

What is your favorite moment in the book so far?


Hello From Texas

Hi Rylee!

This is Cyan from Prince of Peace Christian School in Carrollton, TX.  We have 28 students in my grade so we have a close number. In our whole school we have 632 students. Our school mascot is an eagle named Eddie. The San Diego Safari Park sounds so cool. Texas has an annual State Fair and Six Flags, a fun amusement park. I would think it would be so cool to be close to San Diego! Our average temperature is 36 degrees F to 96 degrees F.

Your school and city seem awesome! Thank you for the letter, I rally enjoyed learning about your school and city.




The Big Game100WC week 19

It was the day of the big basketball tournament and Ashley’s team: The Mighty Bears were very nervous. In the final but they were playing the best team in the district: The Fighting Hawks. They were more scared than ever and once the game started they knew they had to play their hardest. It was the 4th quarter and they were down by two. Ashley had to make the final shot so when she went to take it she made it! right after that you could hear the announcer: ”And the winner is…The Mighty Bears!” Ashley and Everyone was so excited and they got a huge trophy.

The First Day 100WC Week #16

It was the first day of his new school, but he wasn’t nervous because he had always been popular. He was so excited when he got there, but that soon faded. Everyone was already in friend groups and he couldn’t find anyone to talk to. It’s not like last year, he thought. He was used to being liked and the center of attention, but here no one knew him and he was lonely. During his classes he felt separated from everyone. Then at lunch he sat alone until another lonely boy noticed him. They became friends for the rest of the year.

Podcast Interview with Eli


Welcome to the Media Lab podcast. This is the first interview for the 6B group. Today I’m interviewing Eli and we had so much fun with this. We picked our questions, got assigned partners and wrote down the answers so we were prepared to answer the questions. We went down the hall so it was quiet and we interviewed each other. We spent a lot of time on this so we hope you enjoy.


Cyan’s First Post

What I like about 6th grade so far.

I like that there is more freedom. The teachers trust you to do what you’re supposed to do. I also like that you can walk to class by yourself and not in a line. You have to memorize a different schedule and more teachers but I find that fun. I like that classes are on different days so you have more time to finish your work. In 6th grade there are a lot of new things but I like that.