Month: May 2022

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Even though it’s sad that the school year is ending, I’m so excited for summer. Some of my favorites parts of 6th grade were the MS Lock In and the Class Trip to Lakeview Camp. These experiences were so fun and I made amazing memories during them. I’m so excited to have more fun with my friends over the summer and next year.



By May 20, 2022.  4 Comments on last post  Uncategorized   

FIAT week 5 & 6 questions

1. Ally became more brave by the end of the novel. She was brave enough to start making friends. She also became more brave about her writing.

2. My goal for the future is to a be a dance studio director. This is my dream job and what I what to do when I’m older.

3. I give FIAT a 4/5 stars. It’s not my favorite kind of book because I like more mystery kinds of books. However it is pretty good and I can really relate because it’s about a young girl going through changes and struggles in school and life.


Week 3 & 4 FIAT Questions

1. The impossible becomes possible as Ally is feeling more brave and gaining confidence and friends.

2. Albert is being bullied for what he is wearing. Ally makes him feel better by being nice to him and talking to him.

3. If you are being bullied, stand up for yourself or tell someone who can help.